Social Distancing
Ok I get it. People are tired of being at home and they are bored looking at the same for walls everyday. I for one, appreciate the extra time at home. My house is my favorite place to be so I may off here, but I’m glad to be home. As far as the closure of businesses, I’m of two minds on it. On one hand, I think that it’s all silliness and we need to get back to normal. This cannot be our new way of dealing with things. On the other hand, the distancing and other safety practices are done out of concern for people’s safety. Is it fair to just go to the Cottonwood Rodeo because you want to? What about the high risk people in our community? Ultimately, I think you have to let people choose. Democracy is what makes America great and we need to let the people vote or have some kind of say in all this. That’s just my two cents, what do you think, Redheads?