Happy Friday, happy weekend! Waddaya cookin’ this weekend? If you grill a beautiful steak, a great side is onions and potatoes. My mom used to cook ’em in a big cast iron skillet on the stove. It took forever and the potatoes turned out kinda mushy. I still liked them though. A friend of mine showed me a great way of doing it on the grill.
1 cup mayonnaise
¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic, minced
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
½ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
3 baking potatoes (large) cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 large sweet onion, sliced
4 12×12-inch squares aluminium foil
cooking spray
Step 1: Prepare the grill and preheat to medium heat.
Step 2: Apply cooking oil on the grill.
Step 3: In a large mixing bowl, add the Parmesan cheese, mayonnaise, paprika, red pepper flakes, garlic, salt, and pepper. Stir until well mixed and cover.
Step 4: Add the onions and potatoes into the bowl.
Step 5: Apply cooking spray on squares of aluminium foil.
Step 6: Split the potato mixture into 4-squares.
Step 7: Fold the foil and create a pouch on top of the potato mixture. Seal the sides.
Step 8: Place on the preheated grill and cook for 30 minutes or until the potatoes are fork-tender.
Step 9: Remove from the grill.
Step 10: Serve warm and enjoy!