Feast your eyes on the male bikini: the ‘Brokini’
Feast your eyes on the male bikini: the ‘Brokini’
A new men’s swimwear line is making waves. The Brokinins company has created what it considers the male version of the bikini, saying the suits “may cause wanted attention.” (Credit: Brokini)
Two men from Toronto, Chad Sasko and Taylor Field, recently launched the business selling one-shoulder bathing suits for men. Right now they come in two styles: finapple and bromingo.
The suits are selling on the Brokinis website for around $40. The owners, said they plan to start reaching out to department stores.
The company says on its site, “More than 100 years have passed without any advancement in men’s bathing suits. Until now.”
The Brokini bros described their somewhat-revolutionary product in a haiku: “A bikini for bros. Show off your package in style. Disappoint parents.”