Red Rocks Alexa!
If you own an Amazon smart speaker, like the Echo Plus or Echo Dot, you can listen to Red 103.1! First you need to enable our skill. Here are 2 easy ways to do that:1. Say, “Alexa, enable Red 1 oh 3 1 Redding”2. Visit the Skills section of your Alexa Smartphone App and search…

Win Lunch On Red!
Every Friday is Free Lunch Friday on RED! You could win lunch for two at Rock & Brews inside Rolling Hills Casino & Resort. Listen to Jordan weekdays on RED in the noon hour for the keyword to register to win. On Friday’s he’ll announce the weekly winner.

Download Red 103.1
Here’s our new and improved app! Replace the old one now. Click on iPhone or Android for download link and more info. FAQs Android 8 | iOS 15 or higher required. Time-Out Problem on Certain Android smodel phones: Some devices have power-saving controls that suggests certain apps should be “put to sleep” and this can…

Red’s Classic Rock Block Party Weekend
All Photos by PR Photos