Jaide the Classic Rock Dog
Say hello to my dog Jaide always by my side as i broadcast from home these days.
Photos: Reuters
Say hello to my dog Jaide always by my side as i broadcast from home these days.
Hey Red Heads, I’ve been practicing social distancing by spending a lot of time by myself at the bass pond by my apartment. It’s a secret spot so I am not going to tell you much more than that. I’ve been doing pretty good at ripping some lips, so if this radio thing doesn’t work…
Hi Red Heads, I hope everything is well with you and you are staying safe. I’ve been spending my #StayHome time watching a lot of Movies with my son. He attends CUSD and they are doing “distance learning”, due to the stay home order, so he’s home all the time. So, far we’ve watched all…
Hi this is Tim Buc Moore. I am staying busy at home working in the yard and even building and outside man cave / shed. I’m doing art, reading, and checking in on family and friends.
Hi Red Heads. I’ve been doing this radio broadcasting thing for a long time, but never from home. I believe it’s day 25 stay at home for me. Yes, I’m stir crazy. Taking a break from broadcasting from home I want you to meet one of my best pals in the world, Jaide. We’ve been…
I’m loving working from home (for the most part). One of my biggest complaints is that I don’t get to see my family enough and now I spend all day with them all. I know that years from now when I look back on this crazy time, I’ll be very glad to have had the…
Hey Red Heads! I’ve been enjoying spending more time at home, but what I’d really rather do is hang out with my friends in Reno, and working with my fellow Asphalt Cowboys at home! Check out my video below of what I’ve been up to!
Congrats Jessa B! Not only did Jessa get 100% on the Quiz she scored the $50 in free groceries random drawing!
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