15 Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Move To Northern California
Story from Only In Your State
It’s a rough place to live, but someone’s gotta do it. Luckily Northern California is home to only the toughest, most self sacrificing kind of folk out there. I mean, look at all these incredibly awful things we have to put up with!

There’s just too much to look at.

It’s just miserable living in the most beautiful place imaginable.

Hiking, biking, crafting, gardening, rafting, surfing, horseback riding, spending time outdoors with loved ones…meh.

People really miss experiencing the seasons when they move to a temperate place like Northern California, where it’s always sunny and 80 degrees.

Take a flight to the bay and don’t bother venturing out of it when you visit.

You’ll never make any friends here.

I absolutely hate veering off the beaten path and discovering something wonderful and new.

Don’t ever, ever move here.

Drive 30 minutes to a couple hours and your scenery can change from mountainous to flat to hilly to forest to coastline. It’s so annoying to live somewhere so breathtaking.

(Did you know that Sacramento is known as the Farm to Fork Capital of the World?)

They only bay I knew about growing up was the sound that cows make.

No exciting stories about rugged outdoorsmen risking everything to strike it rich during the gold rush. No heros of the wild west. Nothing exciting has ever, ever happened.

We envy other states that have more exciting and less beautiful bugs representing them.

What a terrible view!

A show of hands, please, for those of us who still remember learning how to square dance in second grade!
Now that we have established how awful it is to live here, move along please. Those of use reading this who are Northern Californians have a lot of great… I mean, awful ways to spend our time in this really unfortunate place we’ve found ourselves.
For more Northern California knee slappers, check out Words and Phrases that People in Northern California Just Don’t Understand and Not Many People Realize That These 8 Things Are Actually Illegal In Northern California.